Tickle my pixels and I'll tickle yours

A blog for things that don't seem to belong anywhere else.


I live in Arizona. I like it.

(That picture came with the frame. I really look like this.)

Monday, December 12, 2005

I, rearrangement servant

The Internet Anagram Server: Hours of fun, if you have nothing constructive to do (and if you're reading this, you probably don't).

From this:
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east...

you can get this:
Wow! Two slut bath fight! Grin, Teddy! Oh! Oh! Run! State a bet, I kiss her.

From this:
To be, or not to be; that is the question.

you can get this:
Hot tits, this queen. Toot on a tree, Bob!

From this:
What does not destroy me makes me stronger.

you can get this:
Detonate meek meaty rod, gross mess thrown.

And from the names of these Bush administration members:

George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Paul Wolfowitz
Condoleeza Rice
Donald Rumsfeld

you can get this:
Dr. Fun Dem: Zip, fallout. Wow, dolls: A dicky! Hence, he buggers a cleric. Ow! End: ooze.

Now, that's entertainment.


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