Tickle my pixels and I'll tickle yours

A blog for things that don't seem to belong anywhere else.


I live in Arizona. I like it.

(That picture came with the frame. I really look like this.)

Friday, December 23, 2005

'Tis the season

The snow is deep in Warsaw, and the Poles know how to stuff their stockings.

Sounds of the season

Scroll down to 'Seasonal Favorites' for some unforgettable Christmas tunes. Some are more unforgettable than others, unfortunately.

Santa's ride

Video proof of the existence of Santa Claus. This is the real deal. No, really. That elf's beard is supposed to do that.

Bad Santa: Do you want this man in your chimney?

Drunken Santas on a rampage in New Zealand, armed German robbers in Santa disguises, a British St. Nick wanted for flashing, and a Swedish vandal in a Santa outfit are giving the big man in red a bad name this year.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore! Oh, wait: Yes, we are.

A Kansas professor who was to teach a course on Christian 'mythology' was assaulted and beaten by two Christians who forced him off the road in their (you guessed it) pickup truck. Yee haw!

The course has been canceled. The people have done spoke.

Y'all have a good 'un, y'hear?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Now we can stop wondering

Emotion recognition software at the University of Amsterdam finds Mona Lisa was 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Favor guarda la cabeza, señorita!

In an effort to overcome gender stereotypes in this male-dominated society, a Mexican police training video shows officers how to treat women with respect.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Snowball effect

The other day my son threw a snowball at me.

It missed me, but hit an old man in the chest. Apparently, the surprise and the sudden freezing cold spot on his chest caused a heart attack. As the old man keeled over, he stumbled into a woman pushing a baby stroller. She lost control of the stroller, and it careened into a busy street. As a city bus bore down on the helpless babe, the driver noticed the stroller in the road and swerved to miss it. The bus cut across traffic, scattering smaller cars left and right and crushing pedestrians - and a small dog - until it finally smashed into the trailer of a semi rig hauling gasoline. The load burst into flames and the trailer exploded into a huge orange fireball that consumed the passengers of the bus. Several of them ran, stumbling, from the site of the explosion, their bodies burning like torches, screaming in pain. The flames spread to a nearby sewage processing plant, where the sewer gases were ignited. At that point, flames spread outward from the plant and engulfed several city blocks. Fire raced through the city sewer system, blasting out through toilets and firing manhole covers skyward with great force. As buildings went up in flames, people began to leap from windows and roofs to avoid a horrible death by fire. The streets began to buckle from the excessive heat, and gas mains began to burst. Explosions flared up all across the city, and more and more neighborhoods went up in flames. When the conflagration reached the local toxic chemical storage facility, various plastics, solvents, and industrial waste products began to burn. Lung-searing, poisonous, and radioactive clouds of smoke billowed up from the facility and spread out over the area. Then the fire tore through the local biological weapons research lab, releasing unknown quantities of exotic, engineered flesh-eating bacteria and nerve agents into the air. The combination of heat, chemical waste, and bioengineered agents caused the dead bodies in the cemetery to rise up and rampage through the city, devouring people's brains. By that time, the problem had caught the attention of the federal authorities. To prevent the entire State from certain destruction, the President reluctantly issued the order to snuff out the raging fire once and for all. A squadron of F-117A Nighthawk fighter-bombers was scrambled and sent to our town to terminate the problem. Two medium-yield thermonuclear weapons were released and detonated over the town. The fire was suppressed and the toxic cloud vaporized.

Hands in pockets and whistling nonchalantly, my son and I strolled casually away as if we hadn't seen anything. Once we were a couple of blocks away and the coast was clear, we ran the rest of the way home.


Monday, December 12, 2005

I, rearrangement servant

The Internet Anagram Server: Hours of fun, if you have nothing constructive to do (and if you're reading this, you probably don't).

From this:
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east...

you can get this:
Wow! Two slut bath fight! Grin, Teddy! Oh! Oh! Run! State a bet, I kiss her.

From this:
To be, or not to be; that is the question.

you can get this:
Hot tits, this queen. Toot on a tree, Bob!

From this:
What does not destroy me makes me stronger.

you can get this:
Detonate meek meaty rod, gross mess thrown.

And from the names of these Bush administration members:

George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Paul Wolfowitz
Condoleeza Rice
Donald Rumsfeld

you can get this:
Dr. Fun Dem: Zip, fallout. Wow, dolls: A dicky! Hence, he buggers a cleric. Ow! End: ooze.

Now, that's entertainment.